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How you write your reflection is important.

A good CAS reflection will be able to demonstrate the IB learner profiles and achieve the CAS learning outcomes.


You need to be able to show that you've learned from your experiences, rather than simply just doing them.

As a general rule of thumb, complete one reflection after each of the stages below. This is the easiest way to prove you’ve done the CAS stages.

Reflections are NOT graded!

CAS is an ungraded component of your IB diploma; you either pass or you fail. Reflections are not graded as a result.


The point of reflections is to ensure that you are engaged with your experience so that your coordinators can sign you off!

Our top tips for writing reflections!

1. Quality > Quantity

You don't need to write a lot to demonstrate engagement; as long as you can write something meaningful about your experience, then it is a good reflection!

2. Be efficient

Some people choose to bullet point their reflections. You can make bullet point notes for each stage of your reflection if that is easier for you, just make sure you're getting your IB learner profiles and KLOs in!

3. Be honest

You don't have to complete an experience every single time. You also don't have to have had overwhelming success for it to count as CAS. CAS is about experience and growth, so if something didn't go to plan, your coordinators want to hear about it! It demonstrates your engagement and critical thinking.

Guiding questions & sentence starters for a good reflection​


Talk about the initial plan

  • What were your initial intentions?

  • What learning outcomes were you seeking to address?

  • How did you address the chosen learning outcomes?

  • What were the outcomes of the experience?​

  • Were the intended objectives and learning outcomes achieved?​

  • What challenges did you face? 

  • What did you do to overcome these challenges?

    • My initial intentions were... (however...)

    • I achieved LO1 (Awareness) though this experience by/because I had to/was able to...

    • I initially thought... but later I realised...

    • One thing that surprised/challenged me was...

    • In order to overcome this challenge, I decided to/realised I had to...


Analyse the experience​

  • What abilities/skills/attitudes were put into action?

  • How did you feel during the experience? 

  • How do I think others felt, if working collaboratively?

  • How did you grow emotionally? Confidence? Skills? Knowledge?

  • Did this experience push you out of your comfort zone? Did it humble you?

  • Could you have done anything differently?

  • Would you change anything next time?

    • Through this experience I was able to develop my ... skills by...

    • The thing I enjoyed most/least was… because...

    • I am pleased with...

    • This activity left an impression on me because…


Value the experience

  • What did I learn about myself through this experience? 

  • What impacts have you had on others/the environment/the community?

  • How useful/worthy was this experience?​

    • One thing I learned about myself throughout this process is that...

    • I believe this experience had a positive impact on...

    • I believe this experience was useful because...


Draw conclusions

  • Is there anything you were not aware of initially that has now been brought to your attention?

  • How have you changed your perspectives?

    • After having done this experience I now know/understand/realise have an appreciation for...

    • If I were to do this experience again...

    • One thing I would change next time is...

    • If another student were to undertake this experience, I would recommend...


Think forward

  • How could you apply what you have learnt from the experience to other real-life situations in the future?

    • Perhaps this experience could be useful for when I...

    • When I'm at university, I can use what I learnt from this experience to...

    • This experience could be beneficial in the future because...

    • Later on, this could be application to _________ situation for example, (in my career) I might have to....


Types of reflections

These are not the only way to reflect on your CAS experiences! If you think of any others, feel free to discuss them with Ms Elliott to see if they are applicable, and then use it! Just be sure you are hitting all the targets of CAS.

Done writing? Upload them to the portal!
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