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How do you complete CAS?

You complete CAS over the course of your 2 years as an IB student as an extension to your academic studies. This is done by completing experiences from the three strands: Creativity, Activity and Service.

15th March

You can only count experiences that you start when you join Year 12 and not before. You must demonstrate a regular commitment to CAS and longer, more detailed experiences are preferable to one-offs.

Quick tips for CAS

  • Commit to an experience that you actually enjoy doing.

  • You can use things you do already but you need to CAS-ify them. This means adapt the things you like doing to create a meaningful experience that fits into the spirit of CAS.

  • To check if an experience works for CAS - go the reflections page. If you can't talk about the experience using the reflection guiding questions, it probably isn't CAS!

  • Stay up to date on your CAS journal! It's easy to fall behind.

  • Definitely do not leave logging your CAS until the last minute. So many students struggle close to the deadline or aren't sure if things count for CAS, if you upload last minute it is too late!

  • Keep a folder on your devices (laptop, iPad, phone etc) to organise evidence your experiences.

  • Try to have a balanced spread of the three CAS strands.

  • Be careful of your dates. If you choose to do an experience over 3 months, you need to show 3 months' worth of progression and regular commitment.


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