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MyCAS is confusing...

But we're here to help you!


Your MyCAS module is located on the VLE underneath the 'Student' Section.

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In the Overview section, you can review your entire CAS journey and take note of what you have and haven't completed, with evidence to back this up. This includes your KLOs.


Remember: You must achieve all the CAS LOs at least once and refer to how you achieved them in your evidence and/or reflections!


How does the Portal work?

The Portal is split into different sections which you’ll need to complete throughout your IB years:


When do you do this: Beginning of Year 12 


What you will need to do : 

  1. Think about what you would like to do, initial aims, and where you would like CAS to take you

  2. Fill in the Planning Section in the Portal.


*Your plan can change as your CAS journey goes on*

It is within the Experiences section where you should add your evidence. Evidence of the application all CAS stages is required. It is common that students evidence the taking part section but do not evidence the investigation nor planning of the experience they are about to undertake. This is essential to pass CAS.


When do you do this:

Throughout the 18 months of CAS


What you record here:

  1. Outline in depth some selected Experiences from your Journal that particularly demonstrate how you have met the CAS Learning Outcomes, how you applied the CAS Stages and what you have learnt via a detailed reflection. 


There is no definite number to how many experiences should be documented, but you will need at least 7, to demonstrate where you have met each Learning Outcome.


You can balance the amount of information between the Journal and Experiences section, for example, if you are using a CAS Experience in the Experience section, you can write in your Journal please see CAS Experience section for more detail. Think of this section as showcasing your best CAS moments. The rest goes in the Journal.

Important note :

Within the Experiences section you will be asked to reflect upon your chosen CAS Experience. This is a crucial part of the portfolio and there are guiding questions to support you


When do you do this:

Throughout the 18 months of CAS


Purpose :

To give your CAS Advisor (tutor) and the CAS Coordinator an overview of the CAS you have been involved in and to demonstrate your regular commitment to CAS.


What you will need to do :

  1. 3-4 hrs per week on average

  2. Write down a description of what you have done and learnt for experiences under each of the 3 headings for CAS, including details such as how long you spent on the experience, what you did, what you learnt, how the CAS stages have been implemented, brief comments on your thoughts, etc.

What is the difference between the Journal and the Experience?

The journal will have more experiences recorded in less detail. The Experiences section may have fewer experiences recorded than the Journal but will really highlight your CAS successes, your best moments and these will be documented with evidence in this section.

CAS Guiding questions

These questions can be used to guide each section of your CAS profile. Use them to help prepare your interview answers or write your reflections! You don't need to answer every single question, but be sure to mention how you are using the CAS learning outcomes and the IB learner profiles in each experience!



Finding CAS Guiding questions

You can locate questions relating to each section of the MyCAS profile by hovering and then clicking on the little blue information button next to the relevant title.

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Part of your CAS portfolio should also explain how CAS had helped you to develop the attributes of the IB learner profile. Your CAS portfolio will hopefully become something you are proud of and it may be very useful in your HE applications. 

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