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How can the CAS Coordinator support me?

The CAS Coordinator ensures the following:​


  • Colleagues & students involved are aware of CAS requirements & expectations.


  • Sends parents the 'Parents Guide to CAS' at the beginning of Year 12 so that parents are aware of expectations.


  • Oversees the tracking of student progress in CAS. This includes PCCs.


  • Communicates with relevant parties (students, tutors, Heads of House, IB Coordinator & parents) when CAS progress becomes a concern.


  • Supports  & trains CAS Advisors so they are equipped to support students.


  • Runs CAS Club to advise students with any queries that the CAS advisor (tutor) cannot. (Details on Contact Us page)


  • Offers meetings to support students by mutual convenience.


  • Delivers CAS assemblies to students and CAS CPD to staff.


  • Manages the CAS Google Classroom which is used for communicating important information related to CAS and offering opportunities to partake in experiences.


  • Submits student Pass/Fail on IBIS.


  • Informs students of their status once submitted.

How can the CAS Advisor
(my tutor) support me?

Your tutor is the person who will oversee your portfolio in general.​


The tutor will:

  • Read the CAS guide and attend training to ensure they are familiar with IB CAS requirements.


  • Regularly monitor and review the porfolios of their tutees.


  • Advise students on successful CAS, seeking advise from the CAS Coordinator when required.


  • Discuss ideas for CAS experiences before they are undertaken to ensure they're suitable.


  • Lead any PLC sessions related to CAS.


  • Conduct 3 CAS interviews, updating the CAS portfolio with brief notes which are visible to the student.


  • Sign off CAS experiences assigned to them which meet the IB criteria.


  • Report any students of concern to the CAS Coordinator in a timely manner to allow support to be given.


  • Inform CAS Coordinator of excellent CAS engagement.


  • Complete PCCs related to CAS which will inform the CAS Coordinator and parents of progress.​​

How can my CAS Supervisor support me?

This can be internal (i.e. an SIS teacher) or external (i.e. the leader of a charity you’re working with, a sports instructor, etc.)


If internal, it could be your tutor but it could also be another member of staff e.g. if it's related to Making a Difference, it could be the link teacher in charge of this area.


The supervisor should be contacted in advance to agree to supervise your experience or project.


Your supervisor will do the following:

  • Monitor your agreed CAS experience and give advice when required.


  • If internal, they will give a brief written comment in the teacher notes section of the CAS portfolio.


  • If internal, the supervisor should seek advice from the CAS Coordinator if unsure of an aspect regarding your experience.


  • Internal supervisors will be responsible for signing-off your CAS experiences once it meets CAS requirements. 


  • If your supervisor is not your tutor, you should remind them to sign your experience off in a timely manner.


  • If external, it is your responsibility to ensure your experience meets CAS requirements.


  • You will need to ask the external supervisor to give a brief written statement as evidence to certify that the student has completed the CAS experience. You will upload this as evidence.


  • Your tutor can sign off experiences completed with an external supervisor & you have evidence of this, as external people will not have access to the school system.

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